The party began this session while barricaded in the hogoblin's storeroom.
The Keep now houses:
Arathon the Elf
Olorin the Human Medium
Kebick the Human Acolyte of Tempus
Arnett the Centaur Acolyte, lost in faith
Nix the Elven Apprentice
Brodur the Dwarven Veteran
Dudley the Human Veteran
Carsaadi Silvershaper the Gnomish Acolyte of Zayatta
Gryf the Halfling Apprentice
Lost in their cups, somewhere in the Outer Bailey, also resides:
Grasshole the Human Acolyte
Gorag the Dwarven Veteran
Bastion the Bloodied the Human Veteran
Arus Flamestruck the Human Medium
Rachel wins 1st place for creativity in cobbling together a miniature for Sammy's character, Arnett!
Speaking of Arnett, he revealed dimensions of his character this session, voiced with an affected aristocratic Southern drawl.
The accompanying pictures show the fatal die rolls used in Nix's sweetly unintentional trepanning of Dudley, the party between a koboldy and a rat place, and the sweet craftswomanship of Rachel's Arnett.
The adventure will resume with the party paying to ransom Kebick, Gryf, and Arnett back from the kobolds.
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